Advanced Military Packaging can warehouse, package, and ship your product for you.  We proudly provide these Order Fulfillment services:

  • Make-to-Stock (MTS) or Build-to-Forecast (BTF):  Our team will work with you to achieve your forecast goals while providing the consistent high quality you demand.  Like the weather, forecasts are prone to change and we excel at adjusting with it.  Expedited orders and the warehousing of excess stock are never a problem.
  • Assemble-to-Order (ATO):  Do you have multiple customers with different packaging requirements for the same item or deal with different model numbers or configurations of the same product line?  Supply your specifications and leave the rest to us.
  • Engineer-to-Order (ETO):  We welcome one of a kind and small run work.  Our packaging design team will work closely with you from start to finish.